
Running towards hazards
I took this shot a while back on a photography trip to Tasmania. It’s of a mountain range known as “The Hazards”. Most of the day leading up to this sunset was really dark, wet and miserable and we’d pretty much written off taking any great photos. I’d go as far as...

Speke wreck
Yesterday I wrote about those rare, stunning sunrises where the intensity and colour build and build until the tipping point where the conditions climax, then in a flash, the colour and light is gone. Now on the flip side you get those mornings where it’s cold, wet,...

The photographers panic!
The 20-minute hike from where we parked the car to where we set up for this sunrise shot was the first time I’d ever experienced what I call the “Photographers Panic”! It’s that feeling you get when you’re still on your way to a location and you can see the weather...

7 things to get right when shooting a jetty
Here's a Jetty shot I mentioned the other day, taken on the third attempt in 2 days at this location in New Zealand. The first two tries were complete no-go’s thanks to weather so bad it was ugly! Third time lucky though. I thought it would be fun to write a quick...

Shutter speeds and tidal pools
You might recognise this pool from a photo I shared a while ago, taken at my local-ish beach at Coalcliff a while back… On a high tide with a decent swell, waves crash into the pool and water cascades prettily over the edges. With a longish exposure (1.6 seconds for...

camel rock
Here’s a photo I took of a formation called “camel rock” a while ago. You might recognise the location from some of my videos because it’s a place I like to visit and shoot as much as I can. Only thing is it’s a 4+ hour drive from home, so it’s not really “day trip...

Third time lucky!
A few days ago I wrote about how persistence HASN’T paid off for me with a particular location, as each time I visited it the shooting conditions got worse and worse. However, this photo is evidence that it’s usually the other way around! On a trip to New Zealand,...

If “one day” never came
I thought I’d share this shot with you today. It’s special to me because it was the first time I got to go on a photoshoot with my Dad since moving to Australia in 2008. It was always going to be a hard decision moving so far away from home to pursue a life-long dream...

Sometimes you just get lucky (and a lesson about “rules”)
Most of the time I tell myself that “persistence pays off” and it’s true. However, a bit of luck sometimes comes your way and things just work out perfectly first time around. The trick is to recognise it when it happens! Like in the case of this shot. I took it on my...

the best shutter speed for moving water?
Here’s a shot I took in July at a spot just down the coast. It required three separate exposures (for the sky, water and rocks) which I then blended together in Photoshop. The reason it wasn’t just two shots (one for sky and one for foreground) is the bright water and...